Business Continuity Statement & Equipment Shut Down Advice

Dear Industry Colleagues,

CinemaNext extends its thoughts and continued support to our customers and industry colleagues facing temporary closures and other challenges presented by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The health and safety of our customers, their communities and our industry colleagues are of the utmost importance to us and we are monitoring the situation very closely.

If you are closed or are closing, you may opt to switch off your cinema equipment. We would like to provide you with preventive advice and support so that you can make an informed choice. Please see the document below outlining this advice.

As an important service provider to the cinema industry, we want to inform you of the actions that we have taken, nationally and internationally, to try to ensure the continuity of our Cinema Services.

As of Tuesday 17 March: 

All CinemaNext team members whose physical presence in our premises is not absolutely essential are working remotely. These employees can be reached on the usual telephone numbers or by email.

Our engineering teams continue to operate as normal and will continue to do so unless Government action takes precedence. They will take all precautionary measures necessary utilising gloves, face masks where needed and relevant cleaning wipes to maintain their and our customers' safety.

Work schedules have been adapted, with a rotation of workshop-based activities to allow ongoing pre-build works – this minimises interaction between staff.

We continue to operate the remote NOC facilities with remote homeworking in certain countries and we do not envisage any reduction in this important service to cinemas.

With regard to the shipping of equipment and spares, our supply chain teams are in regular contact with suppliers and carriers to anticipate any interruption to services. We have parts stocks in our local and Belgium facilities. We have had reassurances from the supplier base, and we have a wide choice of carriers to work with.

The EclairLive satellite service also remains available and operational. We have made sure not to make a firm commitment on satellite broadcasts in order to allow you more flexibility in handling cancellations, if necessary. 

Our industry has been hit hard by this extraordinary situation. We remain prepared to do whatever we can to maintain the continuity of our services – we have offices, engineering teams and facilities located close to you, our customers. 

We count on your support and collaboration to help serve you best in these difficult times. If there are changes, generally or with regard to a specific client, please be assured that we will contact you and work with you to minimise any negative impact. 

We will continue to monitor the situation and will update you as developments arise.

We wish you and your teams good health.

Yours sincerely, 

The CinemaNext Team

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