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Holen Sie das Beste aus Ihrer Kinotechnik heraus!
Das Ziel von CinemaNext ist es, Sie mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen für Ihre Kinosäle auszustatten. Zum Beispiel: Bestuhlung, Beleuchtung, akustische Wandbespannung, Bildwandkonstruktion.

Getting the Best from your Cinema Equipment

We have offered seating & outfitting, alongside our traditional sound and projection activities, for a number of years and, recognizing the growing market for new builds and replacements, have strengthened this segment of our business.

To help our cinema cutomers maximize their revenue potential, we have created a dedicated outfitting department to provide real turnkey solutions.

We offer the widest range of seating – boutique, premium, sofa style, motorized recliners – all with optional extras such as sound, call button, tablets, lights, tables, charging points. And, thanks to our supplier relationships, we can customize to your specific requirements and budget.


Discover our seating collection here.